Tel. 818-882-1997

Fax. 818-882-5524

Our Mission

"To provide to MRI facilities, both research and clinical, with the means to enhance the utility of MRI and make the experience pleasant for the patient, by developing new MRI audio and video display technologies and offering them at a reasonable cost."

Resonance Technology Company, Inc. is a medical devices manufacture located in the suburban Los Angeles area. Since its inception in 1987, RTC has endeavored to provide the most advanced, high-quality audio and video devices in an effort to make the MRI scanning process safer, more pleasant, and less costly for both Patients and operators.

Over the years, RTC has also played an important role in functional MRI (fMRI) by providing specialized auditory and visual stimulation and response devices to the research community. RTC is committed to providing the best workmanship and service to our customers, while making the cost of our products as reasonable as possible.

Our ultimate goal is to help the MRI reach its full potential as the most advanced imaging modality to date. RTC works to further MRI-compatible technology by constantly developing new and more advanced devices and applications. We aim to raise expectations for MRI patient comfort devices as well as functional research tools.

One of the single most important areas of our operations is research and development. To that end, we consult extensively with Physicians, Researchers, Technologists and Patients to determine what features and benefits should be included with each successive product. RTC is dedicated to manufacturing a superior product that offers an excellent return on investment for clinics, while alleviating claustrophobia or anxiety for patients in a clinical setting. We also hope to give researchers the tools they need to advance their studies in human brain function. We firmly believe in MRI as the single most useful and versatile imaging modality and strive to make it even more so.

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