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VisuaStim digital - Setting New Standards in fMRI


A state-of-the-art transducer in the magnet room is the virtual clearinghouse for all digital information to be broadcast to the patient. (1) A state-of-the-art transducer in the magnet room for paradigm delivery, connecting to the eye-track.

VisuaStim Digital’s controller is a state-of-the-art interface for paradigm delivery, connecting to the eye-tracker module, trigger-pulse for event related experiments, two separate VGA signals and more.

VisuaStim Digital is the most advanced all-digital audio-visual stimulation technology available today for functional MRI applications (fMRI). It combines crystal clear, high-resolution digital video with high-quality digital sound to deliver unsurpassed realism. Developed in consultation with world-renowned research and educational facilities, it meets the most stringent research requirements.

A New World of Research Possibilities

Dual-display stereoscopic video yields 3D images, which deliver visual paradigms that appear to emerge from the screen. With industry-leading 500,000 pixels per 0.25 square inch area, even small text delivered right from a PC is clear and readable. The unit has a refresh rate of up to 85 Hz. Each pixel is illuminated independently without the need for backlighting, enabling an industry-leading contrast ratio that is maintained in magnetic fields ever greater than 4.7T. This compares with LCD-based displays on competing products where the contrast changes dramatically in magnets greater than 3T.

Turnkey fMRI - It's That Easy

An optional eyetracker module, with software that records ocular movement and synchronizes with EPI sequences, creates a state-of-the-art turnkey fMRI system. From a sleek, lightweight headset to eye-relief optics, the system is designed for sophisticated visual and auditory tasks and for your subject's comfort. The system also integrates with our 3D stimulation software and FuncLab post processing server and presentation software. MRILaserLink technology makes system set-up a breeze.

Advanced features include:

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